The Sundays with the name ending in "Gesima" come after Transfiguration Sunday. These Sundays signal the beginning of "Pre-Lent." Below is a summary of Pre-Lent and Lent by the Rev. William Weedon:
A Summary
by Rev. William Weedon
The "Gesima" days start on Septuagesima ~70 Days before Easter, Sunday, February 5 when no more joyful Alleluias are read, instead, the plaintive Tracts appear.
Septuagesima (2/5/12) ~70 Days
Sexagesima (2/12/12) ~60 Days
Quinaqugesima, (2/19/12) ~50 Days
It deepens on Ash Wednesday (February 22); no more Gloria in Excelsis.
It deepens further on Judica (The Fifth Sunday of Lent): no more Gloria Patris.
The silence of the praise grows deeper and more profound in stages throughout the days of Pre-Lent, Lent, and Passiontide, until we are reduced to silence before the marvel of the Cross on Palmarum (Palm Sunday) and throughout Holy Week. And having stood before the Supreme Sacrifice in silence on Good Friday, our praises burst forth with greater joy than can be imagined in uncounted alleluias and Glorias come in the great Paschal Feast.