Monday, April 5, 2010

The Latin names for the Sunday's after Easter

Question: Why are there Latin titles for the Sundays after Easter and what do they mean?

Answer: As with the seasons of Advent and Lent, most of the Latin titles originated in the first word or phrase of the Introit or entrance Psalm, the first proper of the Divine Service.

The Second Sunday of Easter
Quasi Modo Geniti – “As newborn babes: desire the sincere milk of the word.”

The Third Sunday of Easter
Misericordias Domini – “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”

The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Jubilate – “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands.”

The Fifth Sunday of Easter
Cantate – “Oh, sing unto the Lord a new song.”

The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Rogate – “Pray ye” (from the Gospel lesson, St. John 16:23-30)

The Seventh Sunday of Easter, (After The Ascension)
Exaudi – “Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice.”

Whitsunday (Pentecost)
While it is tempting to identify the word “whit” as a somewhat antiquated reference to the white robes of baptism or confirmation, the more likely origin of this title is an old word for “wise.” Hence, Whitsunday is a day that we are made wise unto salvation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to serving as an informal Latin primer, the Latin titles for the Fifty Great Days remind us of the value of being a liturgical church and of the gifts that we receive during the “week of weeks.” Christ comes to His newborn babes to with the proof of His resurrection and the Office of the Keys (Easter I). He lives and reigns as our Good Shepherd (Easter II) to bestow on us His lovingkindness or mercy (“goodness” is a weak translation in the English Bible). We make a joyful noise unto God (Easter III) and sing a new song of Christ (Easter IV) as Easter hymns permeate this season of the church year. And we learn to pray aright (Easter V), deeply rejoicing that the Lord hears our cry (Sunday after Ascension).

(credit for this information to Rev. Brian Hamer =>click here for link to Historic Lectionary)

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